Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random Update

Happy Spring to Everyone!

I haven't had much chance to blog these days because Nikki has been hogging the computer all to herself... How can she stay on the computer that long is out of my comprehension!

Anyway, there's not much happening here since Vegas trip. I'm still working every day, dragging Nikki from & to the office. It's so hard not to sniff these days because the fresh scent of spring is in the air! Yes, I get in trouble for sniffing around too much, but I'll tell ya; STOP & SMELL THE ROSE EVERY NOW & THEN! You will feel a lot better & not so stressed out about soon-to-come paycut...

Oh, thanks so much to those of you who voted on my poll. I was looking forward to going to Hawaii this summer! But I don't think anyone's going anymore. $$ is too tight, I guess. I'm glad that I'm not human. They think that they rule the world and everything in it. But think about it! The green rules human life, at least in America!

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